Halloween Sticker Extravaganza!



It’s been a while, I know. Bad … bad blog owner. No posts since April and only 2 posts between this one and my last Halloween-themed post. Unfortunately, a lack of quick post ideas and real life keeping me super busy has kept me away.

But, when I saw that my good friend Shawn from Branded in the 80’s was posting his Halloween stickers this month, I knew I had to take advantage of that idea! Shawn, like myself, is something of a vintage sticker connoisseur. I collected stickers when I was a kid and my love of old stickers is what brought me to his site in the first place, years ago. I’ve posted some of my collection before but, today we’re focusing on Halloween!


Lisa Frank Halloween Stickers

Man, these things are like a 90’s Halloween-themed LSD trip. So brightly colored that they can be headache inducing. Still though, pretty cool.

halloween-stickers1 halloween-stickers11


Goosebumps Halloween Stickers

I can’t really remember if these are Halloween-specific or just standard issue Goosebumps stickers. The two white sheets are actually from a Goosebumps calendar and they glow in the dark! Also, can I just point out the awesomeness of the sticker in the bottom-left of the first sheet (calendar stickers)? Yeah. That’s a werewolf … driving a dog sled … pulled by freakin’ werewolves. AWESOME.



 The Random Pile

I think these are the oldest of the bunch. Oddly enough, Shawn has this same set. Definitely something a teacher would’ve had in the 80’s.



It’s hard to tell from the scan but, these stickers are mirrored/reflective. Some great character designs here though.



Ah, Nightmare Before Christmas. A classic for both Halloween and Christmas! What I love about these is that they appear to be based on Tim Burton’s actual drawings of the characters.



This particular sheet came with a Halloween greeting card that I got when I was a kid. I almost didn’t include it because it’s not complete but, I love that skeleton sticker way too much.



Another greeting card sheet. This one appears to be from the early 80’s. Bat-dog & Skele-mouse (note to self: TV show idea) are clearly the stars here.



And that’s it for my Halloween stickers! Thanks again to Shawn for the quick post idea. If you haven’t already, please check out his awesome Halloween stickers!

No Responses to
“Halloween Sticker Extravaganza!”

  1. Dude, this is crazy, you’ll never believe what I had scheduled to go for tomorrow! Let’s just say, Holy Synchronicity Batman!


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