This week’s assignment from The League is . . . Gee, thanks!
This is going to be a quick hitter because I’ve been super busy and I’m getting this in late. But, I wanted to make sure I wrote this. As Thanksgiving gets closer, I realize I have a lot to be thankful for.
I’m thankful first and foremost for my AWESOME family. I can’t overstate this. Besides my amazing extended family, I have a beautiful wife that loves me to death and not only puts up with my nerdy craziness but, encourages it. I also have 3 amazing kids who never cease to brighten my day. My wife & kids make up so much of my life and so much of what makes me happy, I can’t imagine life without them.

Adding to this list, I’m thankful to have a good job, with a growing company. To have a roof over my head, in a good neighborhood. To be in good health. And lastly, I would say (because this site is called Batfan), I’m thankful for comics. These characters have brought a lot of joy to me over the years and I’m thankful that I’ve been able to amass my collection.
Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Be safe, enjoy your holiday and be thankful for all that you have 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving, Ben!
Thanks Brian! You too!
Great post and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks Cody! You too!