Today, we celebrate 80 years of AWESOME. Taking a moment to look through some of my Batman firsts. He has been and always will be, my favorite. Long live the Bat
League Assignment: Shelfie!
This week’s League assignment … Shelfie! It would only make sense that the main display area of the shelves in my new office would be reserved for Batman figures. #popcultureleague #coolandcollected #batman #batfan #batmancollection #batforce #actionfigures #toycollector #toycrewbuddies #arkhamorigins #btas #batman89 #keatongivesbeatings #alexross #darwyncooke #frankmiller #dustinnguyen A photo posted by Ben Rollier (@batfandotcom) on Aug […]
Thoughts on Batman vs. Superman (SPOILERS)

Things have been ridiculously busy lately but, I managed to finally go out with the wife last Friday and see Batman vs. Superman. I’ve been thinking about it ever since and needed to get my thoughts out. Besides, the blog is WAY overdue for an update. First things first, my public apology to Ben Affleck. […]
Some thoughts on the ‘Gotham’ premiere

So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. What can I say, I’m a busy guy and I don’t always have interesting stuff to talk about. That said, I was able to catch the ‘Gotham’ premiere this last Monday. I had some specific thoughts on the pilot episode and figured it would be a good […]
A Little Shelf Expression

It’s been too long since my last post and WAY too long since my last League post. Between some obscure League topics and real life keeping my busy, I’m a little behind on my blogging. But, thankfully Brian threw out an easy one this week so, I’m pushing through and getting a new post up! […]